Friday, June 25, 2004

Original Geisha

I laid out the rough picture in pencil; then I drew the figure using a brush. The fine details on the kimono were done using rapidographs. This must be one of the few brush pieces I ever did, aside from the Commercial Art class projects. Somewhere out there is a “matching” picture of a samurai.

Original Geisha
11x14, pen and ink on Vellum Bristol Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Dragon Vision

“Dragon Vision” started out as something completely different. Initially, I had other plans for this, but as it came time to start the background, I just did not want to go ahead with the composition. So there it sat as a simple figure on bristol board. I am not sure where the idea for the dragon came, but I am sure that I like the final composition much better than the original. In the end, this is a better than "Triumph or Sorrow" and on par with "Dragon"

Dragon Vision
14x17, pastel with colored pencil and inks on bristol Posted by Hello

Friday, June 18, 2004

Trackers, Part One

When I was 13, all I wanted to be was a comic book artist. Truth be told, if I could, I would be a comic book artist today. Back then I actually did something about it. Armed with a #2 pencil and a pilot fine tip marker, I wrote and drew my own comic book, 19 pages in all. It was about a super hero team called the Trackers, who hunted supernatural villains and creatures. I had a story that would have filled 8-10 issues. Looking at it now, it is kinda cheesy, but I love it. In college I attempted to “redraw” this book with a friend. We did 4 pages before getting side tracked.

In the last few months I have attempted to learn Photoshop and began digitally coloring all the pages. So far I have 16 of 19 pages done. I really like the effect of the digital coloring, it almost looks like a book from the early 80's. When I am finished I hope to post them here, or maybe on another one-shot blog. Posted here is a sample, page 5 of the book. Sorry if it is hard to read. When I post the entire book, I will type out the words.

Soo Kim takes a beating while Chem-X tries to save the day. But who is the mysterious villain watching these events unfold?
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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Multi-media pictures

Once upon a time, I would not do entire pieces in pastels, especially when there was a figure or high amount of details involved. Looking at the two horse pictures below, the combination of color pencil and pastel can make for some neat effects, but ultimately, not very satisfying. I always wanted a more integrated feel to the work. Since I have begun using softer pastels (Unison and Sennlier) and workable fix, I have been able to achieve the desired effect and do much more layered work. The drawback is that my color pencils have sat, undisturbed for quite some time. Perhaps it is time to do something about that.

Mists of the Sunset
14x17, pastel with colored pencil on bristol
Another multi-media piece where I did not feel confident enough with my skill in pastels. The muzzle and forelegs are in colored pencil. And while the effect this makes in the scanned piece is quite neat, it is also serendipitous. I think I could do this piece so much better now.
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Unusual Friends
14x17, pastel with colored pencil and inks on bristol
One of my last multi-media pieces. I did not feel confident enough to paint the cat in pastels, so I drew her in colored pencils and inks instead. I like the results, however, this is the last pastel on white Bristol I have done. Since this painting I have moved to color pastel paper and Canson Mi-Teintes.
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Monday, June 07, 2004

Landscapes and Horses

It is funny, looking at the topics that I have chosen to draw in the past three or four years. Landscapes and horses keeping popping up. I have a few more of both yet to post but who knows, maybe some paintings of flowers next. . .nah, not a subject I enjoy.

The Old Farm House
9x12, pastel on paper
My first plein air painting in pastels. I kept seeing this old broken down farmhouse in Bear Valley and I knew I had to paint it. So one day I did. I finished in one sitting (~2hrs). I really want to do more like this. I just bought a plein air easel to take on location this spring. Look for host of seascapes coming in ’04.
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The Moments in Between
16x20, pastel on Canson Mi-Teintes board
The thought of wasted time is never far away from my mind. I set up my studio so that I could paint the moments in between, what is real and what is life. I feel so many things when I look at the darkening of the clouds, the instant of the light on the church. For me, this is the poetry of life, the moments in between.
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